Welcome to Picaquotes.com

We care a lot about our users’ privacy at Picaqoutes. Picaqoutes Privacy Policy explains what kind of information we collect and how we use it.

In case you have any more questions, please contact us.
This Privacy Policy only applies to Picaquotes’ online operations and applies to visitors to Picaquotes who provide or collect information. This policy doesn’t apply to information collected offline or through other methods.


The terms of our Privacy Policy apply to the use of our website.

Data we collect

At the point where we ask for your personal information, we’ll explain what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.
If you contact us directly, we may get more information about you, like your name, email address, phone number, any message and/or attachments you send, and
any other information you want to give us.
We may ask for your name, company name, address, email, and phone number when you create an account.
How we use your info
We use the information we gather in a variety of ways, including:
We provide, operate, and maintain our website.
Enhance, personalise, and expand our website.
Analyse how you use our site.
Develop new products, services, features, and functionality.
Communicate with you for customer service, updates, other website-related information, and marketing and promotional stuff.
You’ll get emails from me.
Prevention and detection of fraud

Log Files

Picaquotes uses industry-standard log files. They record what people do when they browse websites. Every hosting company does this as part of their analytics. Among the data logged by log files are IP addresses, browsers, ISPs, dates and timestamps, referring/exit pages, and perhaps the number of clicks. No one can find out who you are from these. The information is used to analyse trends, run the website, track users’ movements on the site, and gather demographic information.

Cookies and Web Alerts

Picaquotes uses “cookies” like every other site. These cookies save information like visitors’ preferences and the pages they view on the site. Our web page content is tailored to visitors’ browser types and/or other information to improve the user experience.

Third Party Privacy Policies

Picaquotes’ privacy policy doesn’t cover other advertisers or websites. Please read the privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more information. This might include their practices and directions on how to opt out.
You can disable cookies in your browser’s settings. The websites of the web browsers have more information on cookie management.

Children’s Information

Our other goal is to protect kids when they’re online. Parents and guardians should watch, engage in, monitor, and manage their kids’ online behaviour.
Picaquotes doesn’t collect any PII from kids under 14. Please notify us right away if your child provided this type of information on our website, and we’ll make sure it’s deleted as quickly as possible.

Contact Us

Email us if you have any concerns or suggestions.

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